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Standard Deck - "A Standard Approach"

Hello Internetland,

Lately I've been trying to branch out from my regular FNM drafts, and play other formats again, starting with the new age of Standard!

Ever since I saw Approach of the Second Sun in the Amonkhet spoiler, I thought it was exactly the kind of Johnny build around that I love to get my hands on. Of course, as soon as there was a standard shake up, people started trying to break

it using New Perspectives. Now, I try not to be down on something just because it's what other people are doing, but in Magic, I value my ability to make a creative leap, so since everyone else started looking Combo, I decided "What about straight up control?"

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to the Mono-White Approach?

As you can see, this deck relies on exiling absolutely everything my opponent might use to win the game, and cycling into my second or third Approach of the Second Sun, preferably by turn six. I admit, the games I've played don't generally work out that way. As a matter of fact, most of my games went at least to turn twelve, with the notable exception of those games I didn't draw a sweeper, and died to too many two drops.

To compensate for that, I've added more early game in the Thraben Inspectors, and main boarding both Dusk to Dawn (to kill grim flayers and bring my Inspectors back from the graveyard), and Fumigates, which are good in almost all matchups.

Against control, all I really have to worry about is the second, third, or fourth Approach being countered by something nasty like Disallow. Most of the control win conditions can't stick on the board against all of my exile effects and board wipes. I haven't come up against the New Perspectives deck in a match yet, though I think my sideboard options are pretty good. I should be able to exile their New Perspectives before they can combo out, or just make it so that they can't cast their win condition.

Both previous versions of the deck have gone 2-2, losing to aggressive starts from my opponents, but I'll be taking this new version to Game Day.

If you want to see where the deck was, as opposed to where it is now, check out this video from our YouTube channel:

Thanks for reading,


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